Baby Pamela
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Welcome Pamela Anna!

Suddenly gripped with pain, Sally rushed to the hospital and immediately gave birth upon arriving there. Like our two other kids, Pamela was delivered by our trusted OB-GYN.

We praise God for the many brethren who have labored fervently in prayer especially during critical points in Sally's pregnancy. Thank you.

The baby who brought us (and many) to arduous prayer.
A few weeks before her due date, Sally contracted chicken pox. A not-so-really-deadly disease but quite dangerous to the unborn child when the pregnant mother has it, especially in its final weeks when the baby is about to be delivered. Praise God Pamela was not born during the incubation period of the disease but much later.

Pamela Anna in the arms of her mom. Like an angel, isn't she?
Many friends and relatives took time to visit Sally and the baby during their short stay in the hospital. Thanks!!!

Pamela Anna and friends!

photo-shot in our residence. Taken right after the evening prayer meeting.

Sally and her two lovely daughters.

Rev. Rene Atienza officiating the Dedication Service.

We've received a wonderful gift from God!